July 27, 2020
The use of adaptive study design in early phase clinical trials can be more beneficial towards both the participants and investors. During this procedure, drug testing is safer and more ethical for the patients who are participating in the trial as it progresses,reducing their unnecessary exposure to test drugs. Overall, the investigation is possible to last longer due to the flexibility during the trial allowing specialists to adjust the medicine doses more effectively. However, on average,the total actual time savings following adaptive study design is 56 days,compared to the usual trial method. Therefore, this study design will be more cost effective due to the reduced duration of the study, the reduced number of participants hired and the reduction of test of ineffective drug doses.
Source: Lorch, U., Berelowitz, K., Ozen, C., Naseem, A., Akuffo, E.and Taubel, J., 2011. The Practical Application of Adaptive Study Design in EarlyPhase Clinical Trials: A Retrospective Analysis of Time Savings. EuropeanJournal of Clinical Pharmacology, 68(5), pp.543-551.
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